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21 May 2014, London UK. Cyclists hold a mass rally and die-in at Elephant and Castle, demanding better and safer road infrastructure and cycling conditions in the light of a recent cycling fatality at the junction. Protesters used chalk to draw a cycle lane and messages of hope within the lane. They then laid down "dead" during a silence of remembrance for all those who have died on the roads. Campaigners were keen to stress that they want better, safer road design for pedestrians as well as cyclists and also honoured pedestrian fatalities during the protest.
Elephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKElephant And Castle cycling protest, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UKCyclists protest road deaths, London UK